GOAT Clean Terms & Conditions
Last updated: December 17, 2018
By participating in GOAT Clean, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
If you are interested in participating in GOAT Clean, please email clean@goat.com with a description of the item(s) you would like to submit.
If GOAT deems that your item(s) are suitable for GOAT Clean, GOAT will notify you via email of the range of prices we believe we can list your item(s) under GOAT Clean along with a prepaid shipping label.
If and only if you accept the range of prices GOAT provides, please use the prepaid shipping label provided by GOAT to send your item(s) to us.
Disqualified Items
Once GOAT receives the item(s), we will verify that the item(s) qualify for GOAT Clean. GOAT may, in its sole and reasonable discretion, reject item(s) for any reason. If GOAT rejects any item(s), we will notify you and you will have the option to have the item(s) sent back to you or consigned on your behalf with GOAT. If you choose to have the item(s) sent back to you, we will send you an invoice of $20 per shoe. If you choose to consign the item(s), GOAT will activate the listing(s) at 10% above the lowest price of the same item based on SKU, size and condition. If no lowest price exists, GOAT will set a price in its reasonable discretion (which may or may not be within the price range previously provided by GOAT) and activate the listing on your behalf. If you do not respond within 14 days of receiving notice that your item(s) do not qualify for GOAT Clean or if you do not pay the shipping invoice within 14 days of receipt, GOAT will consign the item(s) on your behalf and activate the listing(s) at 10% above the lowest price of the same item based on SKU, size and condition. If no lowest price exists, GOAT will set a price in its reasonable discretion (which may or may not be within the price range previously provided by GOAT) and activate the listing on your behalf.
Qualifying Items
If GOAT determines in its sole and reasonable discretion that your item(s) qualify for GOAT Clean, GOAT will clean and grade the item(s) and use commercially reasonable efforts to list them at a price within the range previously provided by GOAT. If GOAT determines that based on market dynamics, the price should be lower than the lowest price of the range previously provided by GOAT, GOAT will notify you via email of the new range of prices for your item(s). If you do not approve of the price decrease, you will have three days to let us know that you do not agree with the price decrease. If you disagree with the price decrease, you will have the option to have item(s) sent back to you or to keep the item(s) listed at the current price. If you choose to have the item(s) sent back to you, we will send you an invoice for $60 which covers costs associated with storing, cataloging and photographing the item(s) in preparation for sale plus applicable shipping costs. If you do not respond within 3 days of receiving notice of the price decrease or if you do not pay the shipping invoice within 14 days of receipt, GOAT will decrease the price of the item(s) within the range stated in the email notice.
Seller Returns
You may request that GOAT return any qualifying item(s). If you make this request within 180 days of the item(s) being listed, then we will send you an invoice for $60 which covers costs associated with storing, cataloging and photographing the item(s) in preparation for sale plus applicable shipping costs. If you make this request after 180 days of the item(s) being listed, we will send you an invoice for $20 which covers applicable shipping costs.
Commission Fees
A commission fee is only charged when an item is purchased. For items with a sale price of $350 and below, the commission fee is 30% and for all other items, the commission fee is 25%. The commission fee will be deducted from the sale price. When earnings are deposited through ACH direct deposit or PayPal, a 2.9% cashout fee will be applied.