City Guide: GREATEST Edition
A new series exploring cities around the world. This first installment revisits some of our GREATEST features.
Mr Chow, New York
During this time of isolation and social distancing, we reconnected with some of our GREATEST friends around the world to reminisce about their respective city and the places they miss the most. We caught up with the likes of Julien Boudet, Heron Preston, Zoe and Mike of Eckhaus Latta and more, all of whom have shared their go-to spots spanning New York, Los Angeles, Amsterdam and Paris.
Julien Boudet, La Colombe, New York
Heron Preston, Mr Chow, New York
Zoe Latta & Mike Eckhaus, Marlow and Sons, New York
Taco, STAPLES Center, Los Angeles
Guillaume Philibert, Moak Pancakes, Amsterdam
Rhuigi Villaseñor, Angel’s Tijuana Tacos, Los Angeles
PHOTOS: Paul Quitoriano / Aaron Miller