Région d'achat :
    Lakai Fragment Logo Tee Black

    Lakai Fragment Logo Tee 'Black'

    1. Lakai /
    2. Apparel /
    3. Tops

    Girl Skateboards co-founders Rick Howard and Mike Carroll launched Lakai Footwear in 1999. Commissioned by Girl Skateboards' art director Andy Jenkins, the company's logo, known as the "Flare," comes from designer Andy Mueller, a member of Jenkins' multidisciplinary "Art Dump" co-op. The Lakai Fragment Logo Tee 'Black' features both the "Flare" logo and Lakai brand name at the center chest.

    SaisonFall/Winter 2024
    SKULTS224048 BLAC
    Couleur principaleBlack

    Collections: SKATE EXHIBIT

    Collections: SKATE EXHIBIT: LAKAI