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Adapt Auto Max Motherboard
Adapt Auto Max Motherboard
Adapt Auto Max Motherboard
Adapt Auto Max Motherboard
Adapt Auto Max Motherboard
Adapt Auto Max Motherboard
Adapt Auto Max Motherboard
Adapt Auto Max Motherboard
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Adapt Auto Max 'Motherboard'

  1. Nike /
  2. sneakers /
  3. Adapt Auto Max

The Adapt Auto Max 'Motherboard' makes use of a simple color scheme on Nike’s first self-lacing Air Max model. The virtually seamless upper is constructed from grey textile, complete with a padded collar, pull tab and toe bumper for added durability. The minimalist build is mounted atop substantial tooling, highlighted by a raised gum rubber outsole that contains a visible Air Max unit and the control panel for Nike’s breakthrough Adapt lacing system.

Release Date03-26-2020
SKUCW7304 001
ColorwayGrey Fog/Particle Grey/Laser Orange/White
Main ColorGrey